完璧なポータブル小型電気 11kv 変電所を製造するために、Conso Electrical Science and Technology Co., Ltd は、顧客の要件に応じてコンパクトな変電所を設計する専門のエンジニア チームを擁しています。エンジニアはクライアントからの確認を得て、合理化のための提案を提供します。 Conso Electrical のデータベースには、製造工場、空港、住宅地、駅に至るまでのコンパクトな変電所のソリューションが蓄積されています。私たちは、世界中の企業の代表者と会い、相互に有益な協力の可能性を模索したいと考えています。
1. The foundation on which the box-type equipment is placed should be situated at a higher elevation and should not be located in low-lying areas to prevent rainwater from entering the box and affecting its operation. When pouring concrete platforms, allowances should be made for cable entry and exit.
2. The box housing and the grounding grid must have two reliable connections. Grounding for the box and neutral grounding can share the same grounding grid. Typically, grounding rods are driven at the four corners of the foundation, and they are interconnected.
3. Prohibited stacking of objects around the box-type equipment to ensure proper ventilation and access for operational inspections of electrical equipment. Box-type substations primarily rely on natural air circulation for cooling, and the transformer room door should not be blocked.
4. Periodic inspections and maintenance of high-voltage distribution equipment, including ring main switches, transformers, surge arresters, and other devices, should be conducted. Any defects should be promptly repaired, and regular preventive insulation testing should be performed. When working, mechanical interlocks must be correctly disengaged, and insulated rods should be used for operation.
Container Shell
Steel Shell
Laminate Shell
Compact Shell in Process |
Switchgear is Testing |
Daily Clean Up |
Workshop Overview |
KYN28 in Process |
HXGN12 in Process |
GCS in Process |
GIS in process |
Switchgear Assembled with the Shell